Elder Academy Development Foundation
Elder Academy Development Foundation
To sustain the development of the Elder Academy Scheme, the Government funded the establishment of the Elder Academy Development Foundation (EADF) in 2009 and the Committee on EADF was formed under the Elderly Commission to devise strategies and measures for the establishment, curriculum design, extra-curricular activities and development of elder academies, and to consider and assess applications for funding under EADF.
Categories of Applications
EADF will mainly provide funding support for the following three categories of applications:
Implementing the Elder Academy Scheme in primary and secondary schools
Implementing the Elder Academy Scheme in post-secondary institutions
Organising activities conducive to elderly lifelong learning and inter-generational harmony
Application Deadlines
The Committee on EADF accepts funding applications all year round, and will conduct vetting of applications twice a year (in the middle and end of each year). The deadlines for two rounds of application are 31 May and 31 October respectively.
Apply Funding